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- The Iwate University IHATOV Summer Progr...
The Iwate University IHATOV Summer Program (IUIS) イーハトーブサマープログラム募集中
(English below)
2022 年8 月18 日(木)~8 月31 日(水)(13 泊14 日)
オンライン時の実施期間:2022 年8 月22 日(月)~8 月30 日(木)
スタンダードプラン:(午前)日本語授業 (午後)日本文化体験 (週末)フィールドツアー
【参加費に含まれるもの】 ①訪問海外研修生登録料 ④教材費
②日本語授業料 ⑤フィールドツアー料金
海外協定校に在籍する学生(日本語レベルは ①入門/日本語未経験者 ②中上級/N2以上)
【大学担当者】 参加希望学生のリスト(派遣学生リスト) を岩手大学国際課へメールしてください。
【学 生】 参加希望学生は、下記の通り手続きをしてください。
① 所属大学の国際交流担当者に申し出る。
② 下記URLまたはQRコードにアクセスし、参加申し込みフォームに必要事項を入力する。
③ 以下の必要書類を岩手大学国際課へメールで提出する。
(1)在学証明書 (PDF)
岩手大学 学務部 国際課
We are pleased to announce that we are now taking applications for the Iwate University IHATOV Summer Program (IUIS) 2022.
The Iwate University IHATOV Summer Program (IUIS), a new program this academic year, is a 2-week program where students can learn Japanese language and culture. This program is open to students who are enrolled in our partner universities, and offers two Japanese courses, an introductory course and an intermediate/advanced course. Participants will be able to deepen their understanding of Japan and Iwate through not only Japanese classes but also Japanese cultural activities and field trips while staying in an international student housing on campus (International House).
◆Program Period
From Thursday, August 18, 2022 to Wednesday, August 31, 2022 (13 nights, 14 days)
*If the program cannot be held in person due to COVID-19, we will be holding it online.
Online program period: From Monday, August 22, 2022 to Thursday, August 30, 2022
◆Organized by
Iwate University International Education Center
Iwate University and facilities in Morioka city and Iwate Prefecture
Iwate University International House (shared rooms, or single rooms in some cases)
◆Program Types
Standard plan: Japanese classes (morning), Japanese culture classes (afternoon), and field trips (weekends)
◆Participation Fee
100,000 - 140,000 JYN /person (Depending on the number of participants.)
*If the program is switched to online: 10,000 JYN /person
[Included in participation fee]
① Registration fee ④ Course materials fee
② Japanese classes tuition ⑤ Field trip fee
③ Accommodation fee (for 13 nights during the program)
[Not included in participation fee]
① Travel expenses to Morioka (round-trip air tickets and domestic transportation expenses)
② Food expenses
③ Overseas travel insurance
◆Target Participants
Students enrolled in overseas partner universities
(Japanese level: ① Introductory / no experience in Japanese ② Intermediate and advanced / N2 or higher)
◆Number of Participants
Minimum 8 students and maximum 20 students
- Course A (Introductory Japanese / no Japanese experience): Max. 8 to 10
- Course B (Intermediate & advanced speaking Japanese / N2 or above): Max. 8 to 10
*Up to 5 students per university may participate in this program.
(Please contact us if more than 5 students wish to join it.)
No credits will be granted. Certificate of completion will be issued to the participants.
Participants must purchase overseas travel insurance before coming to Japan.
◆Application procedure
[University staff] Please email a "list of students to be dispatched" to Iwate University International Office.
[Students] Please complete the following procedures.
① Tell your wish to participate in this program to your university staff
in charge of international exchange.
② Fill out the online application form at the following URL or QR code.
*The form is available in Japanese, Chinese, English, and Korean.
③ Email us the required documents below.
(1) Certificate of enrollment at home university (PDF)
(2) Copy of your passport (PDF)
◆APPLICATION DEADLINE: Thursday, June 30, 2022 (Japan Time)
◆Inquiries / Send documents to:
Iwate University International Office
Email: iuic@iwate-u.ac.jp