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- Global Village Event Recap!
Global Village Event Recap!
掲載日2017.7. 6
This week's Global Village event was a talk on how English skills have opened up international and Japanese career opportunities. The speakers were Iwate University's own Chika Yamashita (International Liaison Office) and Kazunori Aikawa (Student Services). They explained how they became interested in English and the world outside Iwate, and the personal, academic, and professional adventures they have experienced as a result.
Our next event is a presentation by an Iwate University student on her life and times as an exchange student in France: Wed, Jul 12, 12-1pm at the Global Village (1F, Student Center-B). Bring your lunch, and a friend!
次回のグローバルビレッジイベントは、フランスの交換留学から帰ってきた岩手学の学生によるプレゼンテーションです。7月12日(水)12時~1時 学生センターB棟1階のグローバルビレッジにて行います。ランチを持って、お友達も誘って、グローバルビレッジへ!