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- Global Village Recap!
Global Village Recap!
掲載日2017.6. 8
Today's Global Village event brought a slice of tropical Latin America to Morioka. Ricardo Navarro shared the history and culture of his native Cuba, as well as pictures of everyday life and breathtaking views. Mr. Navarro also organized a mini Spanish lesson--participants learned how to conduct a short dialog with each other in Spanish. A fun time was enjoyed by all.
The next Global Village event is a 'glocal' lecture by Kyoko Yoshida, president of the Brazil-Iwate Kenjinkai Sanjokaiin Association, on South American and Japanese relations: Thu, Jun 15, 10:30am-12pm, room G21 in Student Center-A. This event is open to the public. Bring your lunch, and a friend!
今週のグローバルビレッジイベントのテーマはラテンアメリカ!Ricardo Navarroさんが母国であるキューバの歴史や文化を素敵な写真やビデオと一緒に紹介してくださいました。後半には、Navarroさんが先生となってミニスペイン語教室が開かれ、あいさつや自己紹介などの短い会話に挑戦しました。とても盛り上がり、楽しいイベントとなりました。