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- 米国?アーラム大学 特別講演会
米国?アーラム大学 特別講演会
燃える世界に生きる雑草たち Weeds in a World on Fire
講師 Dr. Daniel Atwater
に よる 英語 講演会 です。
Distracted by our busy lives, we often ignore the fact that we are surrounded by a world of
plants. They give us comfort and shade, feed us, give us materials for our clothes and shelters,
and provide the air we breathe. Among the most overlooked plants are weeds small,
unwanted plants that we step over every day. To most, weeds are a nuisance, but they affect
our lives in many important ways. Weeds can choke our waterways, they threaten agricultural
production, and they degrade our natural environments. Weeds have followed humans to every
corner of the earth, but due to industrialization and climate change they have spread with
blinding speed in the past one hundred years. I study how weeds affect our lives, where they
come from, and why they do what they do. My goal is to help scientists understand how to
predict the future spread of weeds, as pressures from human actions and climate change alter
the world at an increasing pace. In this presentation, I will discuss what weeds are, why we care
about them, how we study them, and how they will affect our future in a world on fire due to
climate change.
日時 2022 年 11 月 2 4 日 木 17:0 0 18:00
場所 岩手大学学生センターB棟 多目的室
使用言語 わかりやすい 英語 参加無料 事前申込不要