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岩大さっこら通信vol.4配信のお知らせ Gandai's Sakkora News vol.4
掲載日2021.3. 8
岩大さっこら通信 vol.4 Gandai's Sakkora Newsを配信しました。Gandai's Sakkora News vol.4 is posted!
Gandai's Sakkora News is an email newsletter made for Iwate Alumni to let you know about events directed towards you, as well as the state of affairs here at Iwate University.
岩大さっこら通信 vol.4 Gandai's Sakkora News
English follows Japanese
2021/ 3/ 8
岩大さっこら通信 vol.4
Gandai's Sakkora News is an email newsletter made for Iwate Alumni to let you know about events directed towards you, as well as the state of affairs here at Iwate University.
3.岩大百景 (新)
6.岩手大学イーハトーヴ基金 岩手大学外国人留学生同窓会基金(留学生アルムナイ基金)のお知らせ
岩手はとても寒い冬を迎えております。水抜きをしても水道管が凍結したり、雪かきをしてもまたすぐに雪が積もり???越冬しに来た高松の池の白鳥も盛岡が寒くてきっとびっくりしているでしょう???(笑)いずれ手洗い?うがい等の感染防止対策をしっかりして、Stay Healthyを心がけたいですね!
では、さっこら通信Vol.4、充実の内容ですのでStay homeのお供として(?)最後までぜひお読みください??
記事詳細2020.4.2 「元中国人留学生3名からマスクの支援」
あの日、あの時、あの場所で。同窓生にとって大切な思い出となっている岩手大学キャンパスの一場面をエピソードと共に紹介してもらいました。新コーナー初回の今回は、岩手大学国際教育センター長の藪 敏裕先生と、岩手大学卒業留学生で国際課職員の崔華月さんの思い出の場所を紹介します。
岩大百景 その1~教育学部彫塑室~
岩手大学教育学部教授?国際教育センター長 藪 敏裕
岩大百景 その2~学生センター留学生窓口(現国際課)~
崔 華月(中国出身?教育学研究科修了生)
?岩大百景 記事&写真募集!?
☆先輩たちの体験談☆岩手大学の交換留学プログラムIU-SEP (YouTubeリンク)
6.岩手大学イーハトーヴ基金 岩手大学外国人留学生同窓会基金(留学生アルムナイ基金)のお知らせ
Table of contents:
1. International Students supported Iwate University during the COVID-19 pandemic
2. The voice of international graduates "It's been a while, hasn't it!"
3. "Gandai Hyakkei" 100 places of memories at Iwate University campus
4. Mini-Column by an International Student
5. YouTube videos introduction (Exchange students interview video)
6. Introduction to the Ihatov Foundation
International alumni of Iwate University, it's been a while!
At this time, we would like to thank you very much for registering your contact information. Iwate University International Office is very pleased to once again have a connection with you.
Last year, the new coronavirus spread worldwide and had an impact on various aspects. How have you all been doing? Iwate University held online classes for the first semester 2020, so the campus remained silent when students could not be seen. Face-to-face lessons resumed in the second half. Gandai students seem to take masks and disinfect seriously. I truly hope that this situation will be resolved as soon as possible.
Iwate is having a very cold winter. Even if you drain the water, the water pipe freezes, and even if you shovel the snow, the snow will soon pile up ... The swans in Takamatsu Pond who came to overwinter will surely be surprised because Morioka is so cold. The Sakkora mail magazine Vol.4 is full of contents, so please read it until the end as a companion to "Stay home" ?? Let's Stay Healthy!
1. International Students supported Iwate University during the coronavirus pandemic
Around April, even in Iwate, masks were running out of stock at stores, and it was difficult to purchase masks. Meanwhile, three international students who graduated from Iwate University offered to donate masks.
The article posted on the web site on April 2, 2020.
In response to the spread of the new coronavirus infection, three former Chinese students from Iwate University donated masks to Iwate University.
All three former Chinese students studied at Iwate University Graduate School and graduated in 2015. Back then, they were so close that the three of them shared a room. Since returning to China, they have been living and working in different areas, but when they heard about the lack of masks in Japan, the three of them talked to each other about helping Iwate University, and they offered the support.
Masks will be used on campus to prevent infectious diseases for students.
Thank you very much for your kindness in sending us the mask before the new semester!
Thank you to the three graduates.
2. The voice of international graduates "It's been a while, hasn't it!"
Wonderful meeting at Iwate University
YANG, Jian Hua
Graduate from Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences
I entered the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Iwate University in 1999, completed it in 2001, then joined the Yabu Laboratory as a researcher, and started teaching Japanese at Ningbo University in 2002.
The second year when the coronavirus was widespread, marks 20th anniversary of when I graduated from Iwate University. When I thought about studying abroad, it clearly came to my mind as if it happened yesterday. I pray that this coronavirus pandemic will conclude as soon as possible.
In October 1998, I entered the laboratory of the Asian History Course at Iwate University as a research student with no acquaintances, and started studying to go on to graduate school. In order to pass the entrance exam in one shot, I did not work part-time and studied at the library every day. Six months later, under the guidance of my academic advisor, Professor Fukazawa, I successfully passed the graduate school and entered his laboratory. Professor Fukazawa was serious in terms of learning and kind in terms of life, and he took care of me through various things.
Even now, it comes to mind that he encouraged me at various times such as before the entrance examination. During his class, he was kind enough to ask me "How about in China?" At first I was nervous and could not answer well, but gradually I got used to it and my Japanese ability improved in a blink of an eye.
In a same way, Mr. Saito, a Japanese student at Fukazawa laboratory, also gave me a lot of support like correcting the manuscript of my presentation or speech manuscript for the foreign speech contest.
What impressed me most was that when I prepared sashimi at a part-time job, I didn't know how to do it, so I inadvertently cut my finger. The next day I called Professor Fukazawa to take a break, and he replied in a very gentle voice, "Thank you for your polite call. Take care."
Of course, there were lots of fun things besides studying. When I hosted the "Chinese New Year Party" at the University Central Cafeteria for the first time, I introduced how to celebrate the Chinese New Year to the citizens of Iwate on TV.
In addition, I introduced Chinese and Chinese culture at the "Zenrinkan" and community centers, joined cherry blossom viewing parties at Takamatsu Pond, cooked "water dumplings" at a university festival, Toshomen, knife-cut noodles at Professor Waragai laboratory, played drums for the Sansa Odori, worked as an interpreter when the Peking University delegation visited Iwate.
Since 2002, I have been working as a Japanese teacher at Ningbo University in China, and utilizing the educational philosophy I learned at Iwate University and the teachings taught by the teacher for my class such as "interpretation class" and "Japanese-Chinese translation" classes.
Immediately after I got a job at Ningbo University, I made an effort to connect my alma mater, Iwate University, to Ningbo University. To date, I have sent more than 60 talented exchange students to Iwate University.
After that, I played the role of a bridge by concluding 10 Japanese universities with Ningbo University as a partner university with Hiroshima University, Morioka University, Hyogo University of Teacher Education, Tokushima University and so on.
Every year, about 20 Ningbo University students at the Japanese language course are dispatched to Japanese universities as exchange students, and we accept exchange students from Iwate University and Utsunomiya University.
In addition, utilizing the knowledge acquired at Iwate University, I published five teaching materials such as "University Japanese", "N1 Japanese Language Proficiency Test Guidebook", and "Understanding WTO in Japanese", and also wrote "Cultural Tradition", published about 10 papers on Japanese culture and Japanese-Chinese translation.
Since last year, due to the influence of the coronavirus, "Intercultural Exchange" and "Japanese Language Teaching Method" have been jointly offered with Tokushima University by ZOOM. This is the most popular class for Ningbo University students who cannot usually interact with Japanese students.
The provincial-level online class "University Japanese" that I offered is often liked by Japanese learners in Zhejiang.
I would like to continue to do my best to help Chinese students learn Japanese well and connect more with Japanese universities where they can study abroad as exchange students.
3. "Gandai Hyakkei" 100 places of memories at Iwate University campus
That day, that time, that place. Alumni or Iwate University staff members introduce a scene from the Iwate University campus, which is an important memory for alumni, along with an episode. This time, we introduce memorable places with Professor Toshihiro Yabu, the director of the International Education Center of Iwate University, and Ms. Cui Huayue, a former international student who graduated from Iwate University and is an international staff member.
*1st Place: Sculpture Lab at Faculty of Education
Introduced by Professor Toshihiro Yabu, Faculty of Education, Director of International Education Center
The visit to Qufu Normal University with Dean Keishi Ishikawa in 1995 was the beginning of my international exchange at Iwate University. It was my first time to the continent, and neither the Shinkansen nor the highway was open yet, and it took about 5 hours by car from Jinan, the capital of Shandong Province, to arrive at the university hotel in the middle of the night.
At that time, China's enthusiasm for studying in Japan was enormous, and in the following year, 1996, an exchange agreement was signed, and the student exchange began in 1997. Since then, the total number of exchange students with Qufu Normal University has exceeded 50.
After that, agreements were signed with Tsinghua University, Ningbo University, Northwest University, etc., and when the number of exchange students from China exceeded 10 every year. The issue was to how to hold a welcome party and guidance.
At that time, Professor Emeritus Osamu Waragai (currently the director of the Iwate Museum of Art) of the Department of Fine Arts agreed to use the sculpture room, and since then it has become customary to hold a welcome party there.
Professor Waragai has been interacting with Italy's Accademia Carrara, and even held events jointly with China and Italy. In particular, rice cake making at the end of the year was a popular event among international students to learn about Japanese culture. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Wagagai. The sculpture room of the Faculty of Education. This is my memorable place at Iwate University campus.
*2nd Place: International Students Office at Gakusei Center
Introduced by Ms. Cui Huayue (China, Graduated from Graduate school of Education)
I came to Japan and Iwate for the first time on Friday, June 9, 2000. It was a rainy day. I arrived at Sendai Airport and then moved to Morioka by Shinkansen. The view of Tohoku from the train window was very green. I still remember the moist rain-soaked trees, the lush rice in the water-filled fields, and the fresh greenery of early summer.
The first place I visited at Iwate University was the International Student Section on the 1st floor of the Gakusei Center. The staff in charge welcomed me with a smile.
Besides telling my name, I don't remember what I said at all. My senior did the procedure for me. Still, I can't forget that my body was tense and my heart was pounding.
Later, the International Student Section moved to the 2nd floor of the Gakusei Center and became the International Student Office. While attending school, I visited the International Student Office countless times.
If you have any questions or concerns, such as visa renewal, application for tours or visits to elementary and junior high schools, application for moving into the International House, application for scholarships, consultation on Japanese language classes, etc. The first thing that came to my mind was "to go to the International Student Office".
But at the same time, my body always became tense before visiting the office. I wasn't sure if I could say what I wanted to hear or talk about, so it took me a while to write down notes, look up words in dictionaries, and prepare to go.
However, the moment I opened the door of the International Student Office, the staff immediately stood up and responded politely. Sometimes, after leaving the Office saying "Yes, I understand," but I didn't understand, I went to ask again. It took a lot of courage.
I was worried that they might think, "Huh? Did you come again?"or I have to say the same thing over and over again." However, this was not the case, and I am deeply grateful to the staff for their continuous kindness. Ms. Sasaki, Ms. Murakami, Mr. Nakayama, Ms. Sato ... I appreciate them all.
What about me, who is currently working in the International Office? I would like to ask our international students. Remembering when I was an international student, I will continue to push forward with my daily work while thinking about the feelings of the international student standing behind the automatic door of the International Office.
My 21st year since coming to Iwate University in Japan is approaching. The Iwate University International Office is a place of memories at Iwate University and a place I will continue to visit every day.
Please send your article for "Gandai Hyakkei"!
4. Mini-Column by an International Student
This time: Kuji day trip report by PR associate
Visit Kuji, the location of the NHK drama "Ama-chan"
Hello. I'm Li Chunrun, a first year student at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at Iwate University. This time, I will introduce the pilgrimage to the sacred place in Kuji, the location of the NHK morning drama "Ama-chan". During the summer vacation, I went to Kuji City, Iwate Prefecture, which I longed to visit for many years. Kuji is located in the northeastern part of Iwate prefecture, and is a town of "Hokugen no Ama", the northern limit female divers" who fish in the northernmost sea in Japan.
"Ama-chan" is NHK's serial TV novel broadcast in 2013, and is popular in Japan and overseas. In this work, Aki Amano, a high school girl from Tokyo, went to her mother's hometown, Kita Sanriku (Kuji), Iwate Prefecture, inherited the profession of "Ama", became a local idol, and returned to Tokyo to become a famous national idol. I was impressed to watch "Ama-chan" when I was a langrage school student in Tokyo. The beautiful nature and personality of people in Iwate depicted in "Ama-chan" are fascinating. This is also one of the reasons I came to Iwate University.
I was surprised to know that Kuji is wider than the fictitious Kita-Rias. The center of Kuji is very beautiful, with a big gymnasium and cultural center. Kuji's shopping district has a Showa atmosphere, and there are many shops, especially restaurants. There is an amber store in front of the station. Amber is a specialty of Kuji. What surprised me most was that Kuji has a lot of things about Ama. For example, the signboard of "Kita no Ama / Kita Sanriku Railway / Shiosai no Memory" in the Kuji station square building, and the cartoons of Aki Amano and Yui Adachi on the shutters of many stores. The Amachan House next to Kuji Station has closed, but you can see exhibits such as the diorama used in the drama at the Tourism Exchange Center in front of the station.
We arrived at Kosode Beach in 20 minutes by car from Kuji Station. Kosode Beach was the main location of "Ama-chan", and the weather was fine that day, and the view of the blue sky and the blue sea was very beautiful. Seeing the long breakwater and the white lighthouse reminded me of the scenes that appeared many times in the drama. A lot of things related to "Ama-chan" are exhibited at the Kosode Ama Center. Unfortunately, due to the influence of the new coronavirus, this summer's Ama diving demonstration was all canceled. This time I couldn't eat the sea urchin caught by Ama. By the way, not everyone in Iwate uses the most famous line of Ama-chan, "Jejeje". This word is a dialect of the Kosode coast.
After that, I went to "Coffee Mocha", which is the model of the coffee shop "Coffee Rias / Snack bar Rias" that appeared in "Ama-chan". I ordered shrimp pilaf and melon soda. It was very delicious. Until last year, the owner said that Non-san (Reina Nonen), who played Aki Amano, returned to Kuji twice a year. Through this short trip, I felt that "Ama-chan" not only drew the drama depicting the growth of the heroine, but also poured new vitality into Kuji's economy and raised the name of Kuji and Iwate. Aki Amano has become a true local idol, and Non-san herself has appeared in many dramas, movies, and commercials in Iwate. "Ama-chan" made me think again about regional development after the Great East Japan Earthquake.
This is the introduction of the pilgrimage to the sacred place in Kuji, the location of the NHK morning drama "Ama-chan".
5. Various video introduction
In 2020, instead of having face-to-face events, we held many online events and on-demand events.
Here are some of the videos created this year.
☆Experiences of seniors☆
Iwate University exchange program IU-SEP (YouTube link)
(This is an interview video of three international students who participated in the Iwate University exchange program IU-SEP.)
6.The Ihatov Foundation, International Student Alumni Fund
At Iwate University, the Iwate University International Student Alumni Association has been established on November 14, 2019 with the aim of contributing to the globalization of the university and local communities by strengthening cooperation with foreign students and graduates who are active around the world.
The Ihatov Foundation has started accepting for the "Special Fund (Iwate University International Student Alumni Association Fund (known as the International Student Alumni Fund))"
Donations will be used for the costs of activities of the Alumni Association for Iwate University International Students, and to increase cooperation between alumni active in Japan and around the world.
Thank you for your understanding and continuous support.
We appreciate your interest in making a donation.
Iwate University Ihatov Foundation Web site:
Thank you for reading to the very end!
Look forward to the next one!
Iwate University International Office Alumni International Student Page