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「岩手大学国際月間 -Iwate University International Month-」の実施について
岩手大学では、本学の学生?教職員及び一般市民に対し、国際理解力の増進と国際交流への関心度を向上させ、各事業の波及効果の上昇を図ることを目的に、毎年秋に「岩手大学国際月間-Iwate University International Month-」を開催しています。
Iwate University hosts the "Iwate University International Month" each year in November for students, staff, and members of the public. The aim is to promote international understanding, enhance interest in international exchange, and improve the ripple effect from our projects. International Month is packed with a variety of events, including displays and online presentations from students about their experiences participating in overseas programs. Please see the details on the schedule below!
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随時更新していきます。 Updated infomation
岩手大学国際交流YouTube: 2020 岩手大学国際月間
Iwate University International Month, YouTube link:
掲載コンテンツ YouTube videos:
●オンデマンド型海外留学体験報告会 ?掲載中
Studying abroad reporting sessions
Explanation session of IU-SEP
Online talk with Iwate University graduates and Gandai students
●オンデマンド型教職員語学研修成果報告会 ?掲載中
Reporting session of English Time for faculty members and staff
English Speech Contest Trial
?IELTSセミナー /iuic/--ielts.html
IELTS Seminar
?岩手大学留学説明会 /iuic/post-3.html
Explanation session of Iwate University studying abroad programs
?国際×Health ウィーキングで世界一周を目指そう /iuic/health.html
Walking Event
?Japanese College Fair 日本の大学説明会 https://japan-universities.com/event/daigaku-fair_2020fall.html