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凤凰体育平台感染症への本学の対応について Iwate University's Response to coronavirus April 20, 2020 updated
※R2.4.21 Partial changes due to the announcement of the alert level policy for coronavirus infections
We have announced the alert level policy for coronavirus infections, and have set the alert level of our university as "LEVEL2". Therefore, holding and participating in events both inside and outside of university are prohibited.
4月16日、政府は「緊急事態宣言」(5月6日まで)の対象地域を日本全国に広げることを発表し、「不要不急の帰省や旅行など、都道府県をまたいで人が移動することを絶対に避けるようお願いする」として、すべての国民に対し不要不急の移動を自粛するよう呼びかけました。 併せて、これまで緊急事態宣言指定地域としていた東京、神奈川、埼玉、千葉、大阪、兵庫、福岡に、北海道、茨城、石川、岐阜、愛知、京都を加え「特定警戒都道府県」と位置づけました。
このことに伴い、国内移動に関する本学の取り扱いを以下の通りとします。 ※R2.4.21凤凰体育平台感染症への警戒段階別対応方針の公表に伴い、一部変更あり
Domestic travels
The national government has declared a State of Emergency (until May 6th) due to the rapid spread of the new coronavirus infections all over Japan on April 16th. Therefore, people are asked to refrain from unnecessary and unurgent movements, such as traveling, visiting family outside of the prefecture, and leaving the prefecture. In addition, 13 prefectures have been designated as "special alert prefectures" where it is necessary to promote efforts to prevent the spread of infections. The "Special alert prefectures" are: Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, Chiba, Osaka, Hyogo, Fukuoka, Hokkaido, Ibaraki, Ishikawa, Gifu, Aichi, and Kyoto.
※R2.4.21 Partial changes due to the announcement of by alert level policy for coronavirus infections
○Visiting family outside of the prefecture
Visiting other prefectures is prohibited as a rule.
○Business Trips
?Business trips to other prefectures is prohibited as a rule.
○Commuting to university across prefectures
Commuting to university across prefectures is prohibited as a rule.
○Job hunting across prefectures
?Job hunting across prefectures is prohibited as a rule.
○If you go outside of the prefecture due to unavoidable circumstances
If you go outside of the prefecture due to unavoidable circumstances, please make sure to record your health condition and outings, please refrain from any nonessential and non-urgent outings for 14 days.(Commuting to school without the 14-days health monitoring period is prohibited.) Please take sufficient care to reduce the risk of infection by avoiding the 3 conditions (Three Cs)*, washing hands and gargling thoroughly, carrying out proper cough etiquette.
*Avoiding Three Cs 1. Closed Spaces with poor ventilation, 2. Crowded places with many people nearby 3. Close-contact settings such as close-range conversation.
保健管理センター学生相談室 http://expiwjm.adm.iwate-u.ac.jp/gaku/hoken/student.html
Sudden change in our environment is stressful for everyone. You may feel lonely and anxious when you cannot go out to meet people, especially if you live by yourself. Some students don't know who to ask about university life. We have counselors at the Iwate University Health Care Center. Please feel free to contact us about anything.
The Student Counseling Center at the Iwate University Health Care Center http://expiwjm.adm.iwate-u.ac.jp/gaku/hoken/student.html